Here are all my Napoleon 1/72 figures to date, which include a number of conversions. The observant will spot that there are actually seven Napoleon bases below, but two of them are the same model (the camel mounted Napoleon detaches from his mount and also sits on the white horse to the left, which is the base I use for the little Corporal in his Italian campaigns), and in any case I wanted there to number six Napoleons as this is the title for one of my favourite Sherlock Holmes stories!!!
From left to right these figures are Bonaparte at the siege of Toulon, at the Bridge of Arcole, in Egypt, at the battle of Austerlitz, at the battle of Borodino, and the battle of Waterloo.
The next photos show the converted Napoleon's.
In the 1st photo the only addition are the plumes in the raised bicorne. Both are Strelets figures.
The 2nd is converted from the Marshal Berthier figure in the Zvezda command set which a fatter stomach added to better represent Napoleon's more corpulent physique at Waterloo. The Imperial Guardsman is from the same set and ADC figure is from the Italeri command set with a converted bicorne.
The 3rd photo shows Bonaparte during the first & second Italian campaigns, again with a converted bicorne, this time added to an Italeri Austrian General, and mounted on a white charger. This is the Napoleon that sits comfortably on the camel as and when required. The other figure on this command base is a Hat Industrie 1806 Prussian Hussar.
Enjoy! Hopefully this will be the first of many posts showcasing my very large 1/72 Napoleonic collection.
Yes,i like them all. Bravo! I bet they argue all the time concerning battles. BB