Tuesday, 7 February 2017

A tale of 35 armies - Hanover & Hanseatic States

The first "army" posted is one of the smallest, with just 3 battalions. To my knowledge the Hanoverian's did not fight independently in any large battles, so this unit number is about right for my purposes. If I need to bulk out my force (i.e. for the 100 days campaign) I can always put Hanover flags on some of my British battalions, as many Hanoverian battalions wore very similar uniforms, therefore justifying calling this rag-tag bunch an army.
The Kings German Legion cavalry will be covered as part of the British army.

From left to right, the Luneburg Light Infantry (can't remember who makes these models),  Infantry Btn (Italeri, with converted headgear), another Infantry Btn (using the ugly Italeri Prussians in greatcoats).

Model count; 46+

The Hanoverian's on the battlefield forming part of Picton's powerful division at Waterloo. Wellington and the heavy cavalry reserve can be seen in the bottom right.


  1. Real nice first units Pancho!


  2. A very nice neat Table top,full of splendid colourful Napoleonics. Wonderful Sight! Well Done. BB
