Tuesday, 17 October 2017

The Terror

I now present the gory spectacle of an execution during the French Revolution.

The guillotine and attendant figures are from the Ykreol French Revolution set, whereas most of the onlookers are Imex Pilgrims and Pioneers.

 The pickpockets are out and about, using the public spectacle as a distraction....

A zealot runs forward clutching the tricolor.....

This shouldn't be a place for children to be, but unfortunately it very often was. Many of the onlookers are decked in the red, white & blue of the new Republic.

The guillotine claims another victim. I have heard that the guillotine in Paris had to moved twice as the sheer amount of blood shed  threatened to contaminate the cities supply of drinking water on each occasion.

1 comment:

  1. A terrible time indeed!
    Lovely painted figures though. BB
